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Hey there! Thanks for checking out the Shippensburg University chapter of National Residence Hall Honorary! Our mission is to focus on the pillars that NRHH has instilled in us which are: Scholastics, Recognition, Service, and Leadership. One step at a time we are striving to recognize all of the great students, faculty, advisors, service, and programming that is produced by the Shippensburg University campus.

Hosted by an NRHH member, residents of each hall were taught valuable lessons in: time management, dressing to impress, effective communication, and stress relief.

Sessions Around Campus

What We Do

Who Are We

"A good example has twice the value of good advice."


- Author Unknown​

What We've Done (So Far​​)

​All 48 handmade posters were filled with intuative and original study tips and tricks for residents to reference to for finals week. The posters were placed in every study room of our 8 residence halls.

Study Tips and Tricks

​Residents woke up to kind words and inspirational quotes around their residence halls. Our goals was to bring show residents that they always have a friend in NRHH.

Kind and Inspirational Words

NRHH is always proud of the staff that makes residence life easier to manage! During appreciation days we recognize or directors of service, desk assistants, custodians, resident directors, hall councils, and resident assistants for all of their hard work throughout the year!

Appreciation Days
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